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Overseas HIS

Overseas Health Information System iHIS

iHIS (Interoperable Health Information System) is a web-based integrated health information service, first introduced by BIT Computer, a leader in the healthcare information industry, to target international markets. Without the need for additional installation, users can set up convenient and efficient health information services through a web browser.
Based on the iHIS platform, it allows for precise and integrated management of all medical processes from patient admission to post-discharge, enhancing the quality of healthcare services and maximizing management efficiency. Accessible anytime and anywhere, this system brings innovative changes to hospital operations and patient management.

iHIS (Interoperable Health Information System) Advantages

Flexible System Architecture
iHIS can be built in a way that suits the scale and environment of the hospital. Whether for a single hospital or a group/network of hospitals, it can be freely configured to provide a system environment tailored to the hospital's specific requirements.
Convenient Accessibility and Compatibility
Users can easily access the iHIS system from any web browser, whether in an intranet or cloud environment. This ensures that tasks can be efficiently carried out regardless of location or time, offering enhanced flexibility for hospital staff.

Basic Services

Administrative Services
Registration, payment processing, insurance claims, inventory management, medical record management, etc.
Clinical Services
(Outpatient/Inpatient/Emergency care, prescriptions, nursing, surgery/anesthesia, ward management, etc.)
Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
Creating and managing electronic medical records.
Clinical Support Services
Diagnostic laboratory services, radiology, pharmacy, physical therapy, nutrition, etc.
Statistics and Performance
Hospital statistics, healthcare statistics, etc.
Health Information Exchange (HIE)
Transmission of medical exchange information.
Medical Record Auditing and Traceability
Tracking and auditing of medical records.

Expected Benefits of iHIS Implementation

Clinical Department: Innovative Improvement in Medical Services

  • Real-time access to patient information and medical records anytime and anywhere, providing patient-specific services
  • Minimizing repetitive tasks to greatly enhance clinical efficiency
  • Real-time sharing of clinical and support information to optimize collaboration

Nursing Department: Improving Patient Service Quality

  • Reducing manual work, allowing nurses to focus more on patient services
  • Simplifying nursing activity documentation and increasing operational efficiency
  • Real-time monitoring and efficient management of ward and nursing information

Clinical Support Department: Automation of Medical Information Processing

  • Automatic input of medical images and test results for faster information processing
  • Real-time retrieval of test results to strengthen decision-making support

Administrative Department: Efficiency in Hospital Management

  • Minimizing patient wait times and improving patient satisfaction
  • Real-time administrative statistics and management analysis for quick decision-making
  • Reducing the cost of paper chart management, enhancing overall hospital operational efficiency